Welcome to my website!
I can't believe it's been several years now! A lot has happened during that time: we got my website up and running, my calendar is (mostly) up to date and available for all to see, Kazoo's Store gives you access to stitch and thread guides that you can have for independent study, and Lou's fabulous Ka-Tzu Unique Beads (those luscious combinations of beads, crystals and more) are just a click away from adorning you! Please note: Tony only creates Stitch Guides to sell and that Canvases and Threads are NOT included.
Please Note- All ON DEMAND GUIDES have up to a 72 hour turn around! MEANING: It allows us to have up to 72 hours to prepair the guide into a PDF form to email to you. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE .
Student Stitching: Previously we gave a link to my Pinterest page for this, but you’ve asked us to show these images here on our webpage. So we are! Look for a new heading on the Menu line “ STUDENT GALLERY” and click to see what’s been graciously shared with us. We are continuing to add to this section, so check back!
The menu at the top of the page also gives you access to my Calendar, Kazoo's Store and more information about us. In my Gallery, you can see most (if not all) of the pieces that I have designed over the years.
You will delight in what you see in the Ka-Tzu Gallery: the beautiful creations of Luis Nuñez. Lou specializes in finding gorgeous antique and new beads and using them to create fantastic scissor fobs, chatelaines, jewelry, and more.
And you can find us on Facebook and Instagram now, too! So, come in and stay awhile.
Happy Stitching!
Tony reviews a canvas in class
Tony's Calendar
Want to take a class with Tony? Check the calendar for available classes and their locations. Tony teaches classes that focus on technique, basic skills, and (of course) the ever-popular canvas embellishment classes.
The Ancient One
Tony's Gallery
Take a peek back in time at original designs by Tony. Delight in layers of threads interpreting architecture, fabric, space, color, and more. Feast your eyes on the colors, the textures and the designs that only Tony Minieri can create.
The Wright Friends
Tony’s Portfolio of classes
Tony’s portfolio of classes range from custom designs to stitching techniques. Some of these classes are retired and others are available. Enjoy looking through the list.